
"Dr. N. Vajrakumar
Secretary, Janata Shikshana Samiti, 
Dharwad. "

Prof. N. Vajra Kumar, formerly the Principal of J.S.S. Arts, Science and Commerce College represents the J.S.S. Institutions in the J.S.S. Samiti governing body as our secretary. In his capacity as secretary, he has been efficiently managing all its affairs ever since the samiti and the various institutions run by it, have been taken over by Dr. Veerendra Heggade, Dharmadhikari of Sri Kshetra Dharmasthala. This unassuming and indefatigable Prof. N. Vajrakumar is the great man behind the success story of the J.S.S. Samiti, which now runs a dozen educational institutions successfully. With his administrative acumen and foresight and under the guidance of Dr. D. Veerendra Heggade he could revive and stimulate a moribund and financially ailing dependant Educational institution that J.S.S. Arts & Science College formerly was, and convert it into a healthy and challenging premier educational institution of the entire North Karnataka region during his long tenure as its principal. Not only did he revive the J.S.S. group of Institutions, as the Secretary of the J.S.S. Samiti and S.D.M.E. Society Dharwad and as a Principal of J.S.S. College he has shown his mettle in the educational sphere

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